Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

DA Carson at John Piper's Church .....

Just like to highlight that DA Carson had preached at John Piper's church over the last 2 weekends.
He covered the parables in Matt 24-25. I have heard these sermons... top notch... check it out... esp Matt 25:31-46 (an often misinterpreted, taken out of context passage).

here's the link :

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pleasing God Above Pleasing People

In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, He said some pretty profound things that can genuinely help one find the inner sense of peace and contentment that comes from doing right.
here are some of the characteristics of people who please God according to Jesus in Matthew 5:3-10:

- They are poor in spirit, humble before all-powerful God, constantly searching for wisdom, confident, but not conceited.
- They are mournful. That means when they are down they are not knocked out because they are dependent on a loving heavenly Father. They are also sensitive to hurt and pain- other's as well as their own.
- They are gentle, with a servant attitude toward others, understanding other people's sensitivities, and easy-going under pressure.
-They long for righteousness and seek God's guidance. They are intolerant of wickedness and injustice, steadfast in personal morality.
- They are merciful, forgiving wrongs done to them, compassionate toward people who have needs, and responsive to requests for help.
- They are pure in heart, truthful, sincere in their love for others, trustworthy, refusing to play games.
- They are peacemakers, persistent in building harmony,friendly and cooperative even to disagreeable people.
- They are persecuted for righteousness, resistant to harmful peer pressure, faithful to Jesus Christ regardless of the opposition, and courageous when receiving abuse and mockery.

These qualities seem impossible to possess. Well, they are- apart from God's transforming power.

Someone said that the Christian life was hard. It isn't hard to live at all. It's impossible! The only way to please God is to have Him living in you. Then trust Him to produce these qualities in you.

From Overcoming Relationship Regret by Dick Purnell, pg 121-122

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Quote of the Day

Worship is the submission of all of our nature to God.
It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness, nourishment of mind by His truth, purifying of imagination by His beauty, opening of the heart to His love, and submission of will to His purpose.
And all this gathered up in adoration is the greatest of human expressions of which we are capable.

William Temple

* featured in sermon on 15th Feb 2009

“vanity” of life

From ESV Study Bible.

The “vanity” of life. The book begins and ends with the exclamation, “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity” (Eccles. 1:2; 12:8). While “vanity” is obviously a key word throughout the book (its 38 occurrences account for more than half of its total usage in the OT), it is notoriously difficult to translate. Literally the word means “vapor” (see esv footnote on 1:2) and conjures up a picture of something fleeting, ephemeral, and elusive, with different nuances to be ascertained from each context. When applied to human undertakings or the pleasures and joys of earthly life, it indicates that “the present form of this world is passing away” (1 Cor. 7:31); applied to the darker realities of living in a fallen world (e.g., death), it expresses frustration, anger, or sorrow; applied to the Preacher's search for understanding of all things, it indicates something that remained incomprehensible or inscrutable to him (e.g., Eccles. 1:14–15). This last-mentioned usage is particularly significant, as the book presents itself as primarily a quest to “figure out” all of life (see esp. 1:12–18).

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11

OT person of faith Reference in Hebrews 11 Reference in OT
Abel 11:4 Genesis 4
Enoch 11:5 Gen. 5:18–24
Noah 11:7 Gen. 5:29–10:32
Abraham 11:8–19 Genesis 12–25; etc.
Sarah 11:11 Genesis 12–23; Isa. 51:2
Isaac 11:17–20 Genesis 17–35; etc.
Jacob 11:21 Genesis 25–50; etc.
Joseph 11:21–22 Genesis 37–50; etc.
Moses 11:23–28 Ex. 2:10 and throughout the Pentateuch; etc.
Rahab 11:31 Josh. 2:1, 3; 6:17–25
Gideon 11:32 Judges 6–8
Barak 11:32 Judges 4–5
Samson 11:32 Judges 13–16
Jephthah 11:32 Judges 11–12; 1 Sam. 12:11
David 11:32 Ruth 4; 1–2 Samuel; etc.
Samuel 11:32 1 Samuel; 1 Chronicles 6; 9; 11; 26; 2 Chron. 35:18

2 Peter 1:1-11: The Long Way Home

HOW DOES A person get to heaven? Is it by proper knowledge of Christian doctrines? Or by godly living? Is it by faith in Christ's gift of salvation? Or by working according to Christ's goals and principles? Is it by God's call to us to be his own? Or by our own endurance with God until the day we die? Weighty issues. And with them, Peter opens his second letter.

Warming Up to God
Reflect on your life. What qualities of godliness is God developing within you?

Read 2 Peter 1:1-11. »
Discovering the Word

In verses 1-2 we are told that we will receive the gifts of faith, grace and peace through Christ's righteousness and knowledge of God. How does your own spiritual well-being depend in part on Christ's righteousness and in part on your knowledge of God?

Verse 3 speaks of both knowledge and holy living as a part of the Christian life. Think of the balance between knowledge of Jesus and holy living that you have seen in Christians. What happens if one area or the other is weak?

Peter writes in verse 4 that because of God's promises, Christians "may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world." What does he then expect believers to do to nurture their own holy living (vv. 5-7)?

How are knowledge of Jesus and godly living related to each other (vv. 8-9)?

What do you think it means for a person to be called and elected by God (vv. 10-11)?

Applying the Word

Select one of the Christian qualities mentioned in verses 5-7 that you would like to become more prominent in your own life. If you were to practice this quality more faithfully, how would it help you escape the pollution of evil influences around you?

Verse 3 says that the divine power of Jesus has given us everything we need for godliness here and also for eternal life. If you were to draw more fully on this power that Jesus makes available to you, what changes would you hope to see in yourself?

Responding in Prayer

Pray for the inner changes you think God is calling for within you.