Friday, August 15, 2008

An outright honest yet joyful reflection

Read at your own risk.
Every word that you see from now is absolutely sincere and truthful.

I am really grateful for what happened yesterday. What started off as an ugly depiction of our sinful side turns out to be an opportunity where we got to know one another better. It is precisely the fact that we are getting closer that we are having disagreements. However, it does not end there. It is a season which I believe that God is using to bond the group together not only spiritually but also emotionally. He is prepare us such that we are able to function and find delight in functioning as a single entity for His work while we transit into Woodlands. I see each one of us as different components of an equipment that is one of the many in the arsenal that God has. Each equipment is unique and suited to fulfill its role just as much as the individual components are. Without either, the plan will just not work the way it will according to His will. I believe that God is indeed moving among us. Right now, I feel this sense of a lightened yet hopeful spirit of what God is about to do in us as a DG and for each one of us individually. We are entering into a new season of our life and walk with God.

I do not think it is repetitive but I would like to just lovingly say again that, brothers I am really grateful for each one of you for your unique characteristic and personality. I am thankful to Ryan for your heart for wanting and encouraging the sincere desire in all of us to be more Christ-like; to Andrew for your inquisitive nature and insights that we both share; to Nicholas for your insightful sharing of your experiences of which I see resembling myself so much at times and of course greatly benefited from; and to Yongliang for the honest sharing of spiritual struggles that all of our kindred hearts sometimes dare not voice out ( trust me we, at least I do, are all listening attentively and nodding in agreement in our hearts).

While God continues to mould and refine us, let us continue having grace, sincerity, patience and love with one another. I am quite sure that what we find now as tolerable idiosyncrasies in each of us will soon be ones that we take delight in. I am really amazed thus far how God has brought each one of us from different backgrounds and blend together our unique strengths and weakness such that they complement one another. I am looking forward to the day when we will be able to look appreciatively at one another uniqueness and take great delight in it; our weakness not being just areas that the strengths of others could support but also such that we appreciate as being human and transformable by God into strengths.

Last but not least, let us not aim to just finish well together the IDT course but also the whole race of life together; with the hope that in the later years of our lives that this was a not just any other 2 years but was the preface that had initiated our intertwined journey together.

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